So Yoo-jin: "marriage with Paek Jong-won is so beautiful. Make a pot of Curry when you go on business" (marriage Hell)

Actor So Yoo-jin recommended 'marriage'. MBC 'Oh Eun-young Report - marriage Hell' was broadcast on the 23rd. Park Ji-min said, "There is a lot of pressure on marriage around me, and some people say, 'If you are okay, you do not have to marry. If I go back to the past, I will live alone.'" Mun Se-yun, a married senior, said, "I do not want to answer these dangerous questions first." So Yoo-jin said, "I agree with what I mean," he said. "I think that marriage is the mother of three iPads, so I want to marry (even if I go back) if I think of iPads." In response to Mun Se-yun's question, "Is the iPad too pretty and the Husband too pretty?" So Yoo-jin said, "It's too pretty." When asked, "What time is pretty?" Then I leave a pot of Curry. Then, when Curry smells, "Do you go on a business trip?" "I laughed and laughed. Oh Eun Young Doctorate replied, "Yes." He said, "There are some bad days in my life, but there are many happy days, so if you add and subtract all of them, you must marry." Oh Eun Young Doctorate said, "With the same person," he said, "You should not edit this." So Yoo-jin said, "It's really empathetic. When Husband tells me how to cook, I'm so upset when he gets angry. I'm trying to feed him, too." "But do I have to learn how to cook while being nagged like this?" So Yoo-jin said, "I eat it because it is delicious."