"Entertainment Weekly" Couple, surprise updates..." "I haven't fought since I appeared on "marriage Hell""

In 'marriage Hell', Entertainment Weekly' Couple's current status has been decided. MBC Oh Eun Young Report - marriage Hell' broadcasted on the 6th was 'After Special Feature', and the real life of Couples changed after Broadcasting appeared. On this day, Husband and Wife's "overzealous" Wife dreamed of becoming 10 billionaires, and they worked tirelessly for 365 days. Couple was surprised to say that he was running two shops and that there were times when monthly sales were 68 million won. Couple, who didn't seem to have much trouble, kept bumping into each other at work; Wife suggested Husband "split menus and get ready," but Husband responded with a sharp edge, saying, "I'll take care of it. Don't try to Gissi." Husband has its own plan, and Wife's plan is to go to Gissi. Because of this, these Couples have been getting less and less conversation as they work. Husband complained, "Wife says she talked to me, but she always does Gissi to me. It's so stressful, and I hate it. I'm the boss, but I feel like I'm ignoring it. I can't breathe well, and I want to avoid it." "I do a lot of Gissi - I knew Husband was frustrated," Wife admitted. Husband came home and told Wife, "I want to rest at home. I'm tired and tired now." Wife responded, "I know it's hard, but is it unfair? I'm not happy." As soon as the conversation started, it went awry. Husband said, "There was no joy in life, my heart was beating when I tried to go to the shop, I had depression, panic disorder, lethargy, but Wife was insignificant and I was lonely and I thought, 'Why live?' However, I endured seeing two children. "Wife also shed tears in the story of the children. Four months later, how are these Couples doing? "I did not see Husband in the shop." While Wife was busy working in the shop, Husband was playing with his two children at home. I accepted Oh Eun Young's advice not to work together. Husband appeared to have returned to peace with a completely separate life, saying, "I work in infant physical education on Thursdays and Fridays, and in the morning I go to the shop to help Wife, and in the afternoon I come home and take care of the children." Husband said, "At first, I didn't like my children to be with their father, but now I don't. They've also become very active." Couple's look had also changed, with Wife stating, "I've never had a fight since Broadcasting, a lot of it has changed in terms of communication. Husband also said, "I do not feel neglected anymore." And Husband's alcohol problem has also improved a lot. Photos: MBC Broadcasting Screen