Group Apink Yoon Bomi has revealed life in the powerhouse. On the 16th, Yoon Bomi's personal channel ⁇ pom pom pom ⁇ showed a video titled ⁇ Power house Madang management despair ⁇ idol Yoon Bomi ⁇ . Yoon Bomi said that he had a lot of work to do while living in the Power house, and he said that he could not take care of the house for a while because of the typhoon. Yoon Bomi, who appeared in uniform, brought Lawn mowers and Lawn mowers and handcrafted lawns and grasses. When a staff member asked if he could call a company, ⁇ Weed grew up every three days. When the other members of Apink ask if they want to live in the Power house, they look annoyed and recommend it. The dogs had no room to run around. "Nothing is harder than I thought." pom pom Pom