Seo Dong-joo succeeded in 3D Flying Car Flight Simulator and poured out the accumulated emotions. In Captain America: Civil War, Seo Dong-joo was the top model for the 3D Flying Car Flight Simulator. But before he got on the Planes, he was enraptured and terrified. Even after he managed to get on the Planes, he cried tears and complained of extreme fear. However, Seo Dong-joo bravely jumped out of the Sky. "He unfolded the Parachute and woke up and I was on the Cloud. I was no longer afraid. I felt Cloud in my skin without any obstacles. How many people do you think there are? New Zealand Cloud said. Then I felt like the shell had been broken at that time. The feelings were awakened bitterly. "I was happy to be able to shake off the fresh joy that I had never felt before, the feeling that I had done it. Following Seo Dong-joo, Park Eun-suk was also a top model for the 3D Flying Car Flight Simulator. Captain America: Civil War.