Tom Cruise, Disclosure of 'Slutty' Woman Relationship "Women line up in front of waiting room"

Tom Cruises promiscuous past has been revealed.Hollywood actor Curtis Samaire Armstrong mentioned Tom Cruises past in his recently published memoir of Jasin, according to the American entertainment media The Thing on the 30th (local time).Samaire Armstrong, who co-starred with Tom Cruise in the 1983 film Dangerous Relationship, said, Tom Cruise was a very serious and strict person on the set, he said. But I disguised that I was studying the Bible to hide Jasins female relationship.I felt like I was hiding my tendency toward women through Jasins Religion, he said. Toms waiting room door opened on the movie set, and a woman came out of the hallway with her hair trimmed, and another woman standing in line went into Toms room.I didnt think it was religious that night.The claim comes amid claims that Tom Cruise recently left Scientology.Tom Cruise is an avid believer in the famous Scientology, which has led him to divorce actress Katie Holmes and not see his daughter Suri for 10 years.Recently, however, Tom Cruise has stopped visiting Religion Scientologys UK headquarters for about three years and has not been answering questions about Scientology for eight years, raising questions about de-schooling.DB

Tom Cruise's "promiscuous past" has been revealed. Hollywood actor Curtis Samaire Armstrong mentioned Tom Cruise's past in his recently published memoir of Jasin, according to the American entertainment media "The Thing" on the 30th (local time). Samaire Armstrong, who co-starred with Tom Cruise in the 1983 film 'Dangerous Relationship', said, "Tom Cruise was a very serious and strict person on the set," he said. "But I disguised that I was studying the Bible to hide Jasin's female relationship." "I felt like I was hiding my tendency toward women through Jasin's Religion," he said. "Tom's waiting room door opened on the movie set, and a woman came out of the hallway with her hair trimmed, and another woman standing in line went into Tom's room. I didn't think it was religious that night." The claim comes amid claims that Tom Cruise recently left Scientology. Tom Cruise is an avid believer in the famous 'Scientology', which has led him to divorce actress Katie Holmes and not see his daughter Suri for 10 years. Recently, however, Tom Cruise has stopped visiting Religion Scientology's UK headquarters for about three years and has not been answering questions about Scientology for eight years, raising questions about 'de-schooling'. DB