Girls" Generation Taeyeon moved by fans' gifts On the 29th Taeyeon Official channel, a video titled "Taiwan is now very moist!" Was uploaded. The footage featured Taeyeon visiting Taiwan for a tour concert; Taeyeon arriving in Taiwan to rehearse before the show. At the end of the rehearsal, Taeyeon recalled the Girls' Generation members in a quiet waiting room, saying, "Almost always came with the Soshi members, but there were no kids. It was noisy here." "They prepared delicious snacks for me today, too. They are bananas and snacks," he said. "It's so cute! It's so pretty. Thank you!" when he saw a gift from a fan. In particular, Taeyeon unveiled The Red Car, saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, I finally have a car. I finally have a car. I finally have a car!" It was a baby train modeled after the appearance of The Red Car. After seeing the fan's gift, Taeyeon said, "It's good, right? I got a car that I can ride in Taiwan. Thank you." Taeyeon, who used his target toys and emanated his talents, ran around the waiting room on a train. Taeyeon said, "I'm crazy. The important thing is that I do not have a brake. Oh, my god!" Taeyeon, who showed me skillfully until the back, expressed satisfaction that "I like the color too much. Taeyeon, who looked around the train, said, "Now I parked. Do you think the door will open? It will not open?" When I saw the door that opened up like The Red Car, I admired it. The Taeyeon Official