Group Forestella Ko Woo-rim reveals the secret to capturing the heart of 'figure queen' wife Kim Yuna. Forestella Ko Woo-rim, who captured the hearts of figure queen Kim Yuna with her heavenly voice, will appear as a special MC in SBS ⁇ My Little Old Boy ⁇ , which will air at 9:05 p.m. on the 27th. On this day, in the appearance of Ko Woo-rim, the mother benjas resembled Kim Yuna, and Kim Yuna seemed to like it more than ever. In return, Ko Woo-rim completely recalled the singer Choi Baek-ho's romanticism and melted the motherbenjas' heart. Ko Woo-rim then revealed his story from his first meeting with his wife Kim Yuna to Confessions. Ko Woo-rim first met Kim Yuna through Kim Yuna's gala show celebration stage. Ko Woo-rim, who is against Kim Yuna in Love at first sight, said that he approached Kim Yuna in the form of Manly Men, who said that a courageous person gets a beauty. I even shocked the studio with Confessions that I had cut off all of Kim Yuna's heart to get Kim Yuna's heart, but I am interested in what Ko Woo-rim's death was. On the other hand, Ko Woo-rim, who is confident of both Korean and Western styles, boasted Kim Yuna's cooking skills, saying that she was better at cooking when she praised her mother benjas. Kim Yuna also asked me if I was Nagging. Recently, Kim Yuna told me that he had heard Nagging because of food waste. Ko Woo-rim is the back door that made the recording scene into a laughing sea by revealing the honey tip avoiding your own ⁇ Nagging.