On the 17th, Retrieval magazine said that singer Lim Young-woong donated 200 million won Now to support Cloudburst Damage! Lim Young-woong, in the name of the fan club 'Hero Age', donated a total of 200 million won to the fruit of love, 100 million won each, along with his agency fish music. Now is Cloudburst, which will be used for restoration, relief supplies, and housing assistance in Damage! Lim Young-woong said, "I want to give comfort to those who have suffered Damage! Through this heavy rain," he said. "I wish I could help you to quickly Retrieval in your daily life." Kim Hye-soo also joined Donation for Neighbour's quick daily Retrieval. He donated 100 million won to the Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association. Kim Jung-hee, general secretary of Hope Bridge, said, "I am grateful to Kim Hye-soo for taking the lead in the event of a disaster." "Hope Bridge has been operating the Disaster Safety Office since the 13th and is responding quickly, and I will do my best to get these Jaemin back to their daily lives as soon as possible." Singer PSY and actor Siwan also helped support the flood victims. PSY and Siwan deposited 100 million won and 30 million won Now to Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association respectively. PSY told Hope Bridge, "I would like to express my deepest condolences to all those who have suffered Damage! Due to the heavy rain," he said. "I decided to donate a little to help me get back to my daily life as soon as possible." Siwan got to kNow that Damage! Is big in all states due to Cloudburst, and suddenly joined Donation during shooting. "I want to express my deepest condolences to everyone who wears Damage! Park Na-rae told Hope Bridge, "I'm very sorry for the situation in which Damage! Is getting bigger due to this torrential rain," adding, "I Hope this Jaemin who saw Damage! will be able to help them return to their daily lives as soon as possible." Actors Kim Woo-bin and Shin Min-a, who have been in public love for nine years, also donated 100 million won each to Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association. Kim Woo-bin's agency AM Entertainment said on Hope Bridge, "I joined Donation in the Hope that it would be a little help for those who have suffered a big Damage! Shin Min-a's agency, AM Entertainment, said, "I am Now joining Donation with the desire to express my deepest sympathy to all those who have seen the big Damage! Singer Lee Chan-won also deposited 100 million won in Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association. "I am very saddened that Damage! I Hope to return to my daily life as soon as possible. " In addition, actor Han Hyo-joo won 50 million won, and broadcaster Lee Hye-young won 10 million won, and comforted the Neighbors in heavy rain Damage!