Singer Jang Min-Ho performed an eye-hopping visual. On the afternoon of the 20th, Jang Min-Ho's new digital single 'Life Diary' concept photo was released through Ho Entertainment's official SNS. In the concept photo released on the day, Jang Min-Ho exuded the dandy charm with the perfect suit pit and thrilled the fans. Jang Min-Ho with a look of excellence against the backdrop of a refreshing sky and green meadow. The beautiful nature and natural mood blended with Jang Min-Ho's flawless visuals, creating a feeling of seeing a scene in a music video. Jang Min-Ho has prepared a new Song like a gift for fans since the release of his second album 'ETERNAL' last November. Jang Min-Ho said in a preview video released earlier, "I wanted to make a Song that does not have to explain the Song. "I do not know when the next album will come out, but I hope I will be comforted by listening to this Song until then," he said. On the other hand, Jang Min-Ho's new digital single 'Life Diary' will be released on various music sites at 6 pm on the 22nd. Photo courtesy of Ho Entertainment