'Bridegroom class' Jaejoong Confessions to Go Eun-ah On Channel A's "These Days Men's Life Bridegroom Lessons" (hereinafter referred to as "Bridegroom Lessons"), Jaejoong was pictured spending the day in the country with Narsha and Go Eun-ah. On this day, Narsha said to Jaejoong and Go Eun-ah during the meal, "Let's make a good relationship." Jaejoong laughed with a formal answer saying, "We are so beautiful." Go Eun-ah, who was eating ssam, laughed, saying, "Don't talk to me while I'm doing this. Am I pretty now?" Jaejoong replied, "Pretty," and Go Eun-ah joked, "Did you like me?" Jaejoong responded dullly, "I loved you." Go Eun-ah appealed, "I'm a good girl," and Jaejoong said, "Uh, good girl." Pictures: Channel A broadcast screen