Choi Soo-jong Ha Hee-ra Couple's son personally scrambled to save his parents' secondHouse in Danger. In the 4th KBS 2TV entertainment 'second House' broadcast on June 22, an unexpected Danger came to the second House of Choi Soo-jong and Ha Hee-ra Couple. On this day, Choi Soo-jong, Ha Hee-ra Couple, with the help of Park, unearthed the upper kitchen of the House during the Demolition and found baby birds living in the vents. Choi Soo-jong, who was upset by the pouring baby bird as soon as he pulled out the upper intestine, hurriedly put all the baby birds in the nearby box and confirmed that one was unharmed. As a result of getting advice from Dr. Park, a bird he knows, the type of bird is tit bird. Tiny tit bird nests in bricks, traffic light gaps, and mailboxes. Choi Soo-jong, Ha Hee-ra, and Park made a new House for baby birds using a rubber flowerpot and hung it directly on a nearby tree. Fortunately, the mother bird came to the new House the next day. The three people could not hide their pride, saying that the Demolition was delayed due to this, but "six lives were saved." Demolition A few days later, Professor Park Sang-wook, who summoned Choi Soo-jong and Ha Hee-ra Couple to the office, said, "There is a serious situation. I was in the process of demolishing, but my House has some problems. I need to take measures. " It seems that at least 20 million won will be needed to build the secondHouse. Demolition was once stopped. Professor Park Sang-wook said, "When the House was torn down, the rafters had a lot of problems. There should be a foundation stone, but it seems to have been lost. Overall, it needs a lot of reinforcement. It is tight in our budget (120 million won), but I think we should try it. "We have to make a big decision," he explained. Ha Hee-ra and Choi Soo-jong wrote that "it's unbelievable, it's so embarrassing, it's so complicated in my head", and that "the foundations aren't strong enough that maybe the House doesn't stand up very well. Savoie is in trouble because the cost is 20 million won more and the construction period is extended more than half a month. It is disadvantageous to us. " Couple, who was placed in the all-time Danger, nevertheless continued construction. However, Choi Soo-jong alone can not handle the task of moving, turning, and shoveling. At this time, Couple's son's scramble was noticed as a daily helper. The villagers praised their son's handsome appearance and sturdy physique, saying, "It's my father and Savoie's bread" and "Why are you so handsome?" Even his workmanship resembled his father Choi Soo-jong, and his attention was focused on his son.