Actor Choi Byung-mo Wife Lee Gyu-in became a hot topic after her first appearance in ⁇ Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest ⁇ last week. It is attracting attention as a Character that has never been seen anywhere. Choi Byung-mo Wife first appeared on SBS ⁇ Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest - You Are My Dest ⁇ . Choi Byung-mo described Wife as ⁇ singular and erratic ⁇ Choi Byung-mo remarried Lee Kyu-in after their divorce and was in their seventh year of marriage. Choi Byung-mo was 52 years old this year and Wife was 50 years old. On the day of the broadcast, Choi Byung-mo said, " ⁇ Wife is a peculiar and wacky person. I do not eat rice for a lifetime. When I wake up, I talk to birds and sing songs." Everyone was amazed at the real situation. Choi Byung-mo married a strange woman in his real diary. "Is it a cross given by God?" Choi Byung-mo Wife showed an incredibly youthful tension that she was half a hundred years old, so Kim Sook is the most youthful 50-year-old I know. Choi Byung-mo Wife was sleeping while Choi Byung-mo got off work in the morning to clean up. Choi Byung-mo Wife gets up at 11:00. Choi Byung-mo, who had no expression, smiled brightly at Wife. Choi Byung-mo Wife surprised everyone by asking Husband, who only saw the script, to open the window and try to talk to the bird. Choi Byung-mo said, "I raise a single child." When asked what it would be like if a real child was born, Choi Byung-mo confessed that he had a vasectomy. "I have a college student and I promised Wife (not to have two years old)," he said. Choi Byung-mo also said about Wife, "I wanted to be a bright person because I was dark, but I did not know it was this much." My colleagues said that they were suspicious of mania. I said I was brighter. In particular, Choi Byung-mo Wife looked like musical actor Choi Jung-won, and her exotic looks caught the eye. Choi Byung-mo Wife had a different relationship with her mother-in-law. She called her mother-in-law and asked if she could nail her mother-in-law card. In addition, Wife asked mother-in-law to come to her place, and she was surprised to receive a scarf that mother-in-law received as she received a nail. mother-in-law and mother-in-law agreed to go on a trip with mother-in-law during the meal. Choi Byung-mo said, "At first, my mother was very surprised. She said, 'What is it?' And everyone said, 'I am a Character, I am a new person.' Also today (12th), Lee Kyu-in's "Personal Life" is revealed, and Choi Byung-mo did not really know that he was doing it outside of Wife's extraordinary behavior. Lee Ji-hye, who watched together in the studio, also wondered if he was surprised to see us. So far, many Wife have appeared in ⁇ Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest ⁇ , but Choi Byung-mo Wife was a unique Character ⁇ that was completely different from the Wife that appeared. Choi Byung-mo Wife is a beautiful owner like any other entertainer Wife, but her personality has been so hot that she has never seen it on the air so much that she can express her personality as a new human being. I wonder if I will surprise them again. broadcast capture