First-generation Profiler Pyo Chang-won tells of anti-war marriage On the 6th SBS ⁇ Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest ⁇ , the first generation Profiler Pyo Chang-won of 29 years of marriage appeared as a special MC. Pyo Chang-won, a cold-blooded criminal who solved the crime, received a request for Son Bum-soo profiling. Lee Ji-hye said, "I think it would be nice if you think of me as a suspect today. Pyo Chang-won gave a big smile. Kim Sook has been in custody for 29 years for Pyo Chang-won. "365 days Wife asked me if I was watching every move. Pyo Chang-won said, "In modern society, wherever you go, you pay with a Card." However, I have only one Card (Wife Best Doctors). Son Bum-soo said, "I am ridiculous." Professor Park did not know that he was such a person. In addition, Pyo Chang-won revealed the story of making each house fleshiness because of radio broadcasting. Pyo Chang-won laughed again with a happy smile at the word fleshiness. Oh Sang-jin smiled, saying, You must be so happy just thinking about it. Pyo Chang-won said, "Our house is Yongin." The station is located in Sangam-dong. "It's the worst time from 6 pm to 8 pm." I took it out and got my own space from Wife. Then (Wife) often unannounced checkpoint. "When I heard the sound of the door lock, I said," I'm here. " Son Bum-soo said, "Everything is the opposite of me." "How can it be true? Pyo Chang-won confessed that he is currently living in an each room following the fleshiness of each house because Pyo Chang-won snores. Kim Gu-ra added, "I feel like a typical slave. When I get tired of working, I snore and grind my teeth."