Oh Eun Young, 'English language genius' who beats friends 'angry' at this parent... (like a gold piece)

Oh Eun Young pointed out the irresponsible parenting attitude of a gold piece. Channel A 'a gold piece like my child' broadcasted on the 5th 'Alphabet Inc. A six-year-old gold piece trapped in hell appeared. The Mother of a gold piece said, "The first word was 'Apple'. Before I called 'Mother', I did 'Apple' first." At the age of 1, he mastered Alphabet Inc., and at the age of 5, he was already a gold piece of language genius who taught himself English language speaking and even Russian. However, a gold piece in the video that was seen for a while was surprised to see the sound of losing his mind. The Mother said, "I study English language, not only eating but also defecating. There are too many problems." a gold piece that first encountered English language at an early age of 6 to 7 months old was still obsessing with 'Alphabet Inc.'. "I thought I liked it until last year, but I think I'm stuck," the Mother said. "I think it might be autism." Oh Doctorate, who watched a gold piece, also admitted that "there seems to be an autistic clinical Yang Shuang." Finally, Father was sobbing. What about the academy? "a gold piece, which seemed to be taking classes at Taekwondo Academy, suddenly stubbornly refused to listen to the teacher and suddenly got out of the ranks and interfered with the class. a gold piece that does not lie down until the end of the lesson. Doctorate said, "I'm not a child born with a fundamental defect. But I don't think there was any developmental Stimulation required for children to develop." After COVID-19, Mother said that she was only at home and educated with video. However, Oh Doctorate said, "Not all children suffer from developmental problems with COVID-19. If there is no developmental Stimulation at a very important time in developmental, developmental is not good. "Mother, I think Father is very problematic. The Mother is a Mother who has to give enough energy to the children, but the children do not like it if they use less energy. "Father makes excuses because he is busy, and Mother goes to Corona 19. You have to wake up. You have to feel the cause of the problem and try hard, and you should not go over it for some reason or another. " Photo = Channel A broadcast screen