Actress Song Joong-ki flashed a big smile at Cannes Movie Made photocol. Song Joong-ki attended the 76th Cannes International Movie Festival's Movie 'Hwaran' photocol event held at the Cannes Palais des Festivals in France on the 25th (local time). Song Joong-ki, wearing a black inner jacket and matching white pants with a clean dandy look, greeted with a big smile and waved his hand. Especially with the boyish visuals shining, The Wedding Ring caught the eye on his left ring finger. Movie 'Hwaran' is a noir drama about a boy who wants to escape from a hellish reality and meets the middle boss 'cheigan' (Song Joong-ki) of the organization and joins the dangerous world. 'Hwaran', which was sold to Europe and other countries as soon as it was unveiled at Cannes Market, was unveiled for the first time in the world at the Salle Debussy at 11 am on the 24th (local time). When the Movie ended, the local reaction was hot, with cheers and applause pouring from the audience before the ending credits went up. After finishing the premiere, Song Joong-ki said, "After watching the Movie, I am satisfied that it seems to be deeper than the feelings I felt in the script. Especially in the reservoir scene, when I saw the expression of looking at the cheekan's ear from behind, I was convinced that the feeling I felt when I first read this script was right, and I thought, 'You did a good job on this Movie.' I would like to thank all our staff actors and hope that 'Hwaran' will receive a lot of love. " Song Joong-ki was originally scheduled to attend the premiere with his wife, Katie Leung Louise Saunders, but Katie Leung, who is nine months pregnant, decided the violent scenes in the Movie would not be good. It was reported that he accompanied Khan, but did not attend the premiere.