Singer Dr. Hye-Kyung notified the exclusive Contract Revocation on the agency Communication channel breath, which was a problem with Shares Falsify allegations. According to the report on the 2nd. Hye-Kyung notified the exclusive Contract Revocation on the agency's Communication channel breath. An official said, "Dr. Hye-Kyung has appointed a lawyer and sent proof of contents related to Contract Revocation to the Communication channel breath," he said. "We know that he sent it to the Communication channel breath company and his representative home." Dr. According to Hye-Kyung, he was introduced to a long-time acquaintance and signed a Contract with Communication channel breath on November 30, 2022. At that time, he received a Contract from his acquaintance. Hye-Kyung said, "In addition to the 100 million won Contract, I also received an attached agreement that included a clause stipulating 20 performances at the company-sponsored event." In the meantime, regarding the recent issue of foreign Pakistan Stock Exchange Societe Generale (SG) Pakistan Stock Exchange, which is related to the so-called "Shares operating stage" Party related to the decline of Shares, "It was a clause in the Contract, I moved, but there was no other intention." Then, Dr. Hye-Kyung related to the capture of the Party video "Only a part of the video was edited and reported, but when I saw the video, I did not say a word about Investment. I just said that I was happy to be able to sing and thank you for making a Contract with this company. " Dr. Hye-Kyung said, "If my fault is ignorant, I was ignorant." "I thought that the company could sing with the explanation that it is a company that starts various media business and performance business. It is too (embarrassing) to call my personal information to others like a fool. I won't do it again. I don't want to do a full-time Contract," he said. Meanwhile, Dr. Hye-Kyung was caught up in the scandal related to the Shares decline from SG Pakistan Stock Exchange. In particular, singer Im Chang-jung, who attended the Party on the same day, is also suspected of participating in Shares Falsify.