a gold piece Mother, SOS in 2 Weeks...Oh Eun Young Solution architecture What's the Cause of Failure?

= Solution architecture What happened to a gold piece Mother who sent SOS again in two weeks? Channel A, which is broadcasted at 8 pm on March 26, is the second story of 'One son who can not tolerate anger and eats eyelashes' in 'My child like a gold piece'. On this day, the studio will have a single mom who grows a 14-year-old gold piece after last week. In the appearance of a gold piece Mother, the panels are upset, saying, "It seems to be drier." Carefully ask if there has been a change in a gold piece prescription. a gold piece Mother replies, "I haven't even tried it. I'm not going to do it at all." Oh Eun Young said, "I think it's really a crisis. It is a situation where we have to look at the most fundamental problems as well as other problems caused by this problem. " In the pre-released video, I can see a gold piece of the Japanese Women's Gourmet Burger Club on the Solution architecture. "Let's stop. I can not stand it. "It is a gold piece that screams and makes a riot. It throws a cell phone cradle on the floor as if it is hard to bear anger and even slams the visit saying" get out ". The embarrassed Mother tells her to open the door, but she communicates with the Japan Women's Gourmet Burger Club. a gold piece Why is she so angry? Then, a gold piece is caught in an unexpected behavior. "a gold piece that warns you to follow" and leaves the house. Eventually, the production team is mobilized to chase a gold piece, but a gold piece runs away. The production team and a gold piece chase continue for a while, and eventually a gold piece is crying and resisting with the whole body. The panels that watched this through the video are saddened and wonder, "Did you hate it so much?" On the other hand, a gold piece in the production team asking where you want to go spits out a shocking remark, "I do not want to see Mother." Oh Eun Young makes a meaningful smile, saying, "I knew why I was in trouble before the start of the Solution architecture." I am curious as to what causes the failure of the Solution architecture analyzed by Dr. Oh.