Park Ji-min reveals how she felt playing Freddie in Return to Seoul' Movie Return to Seoul' (director David Beckham Chu) media preview was held at CGV I'Park Mall in Yongsan-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 24th. David Beckham Chu, actor Park Ji-min and Oh Kwang-rok were in the spot. Return to Seoul' is a Movie about a fateful journey that began when 25-year-old Fredi, who accidentally Return to Seoul where he was born, was looking for Korean parents. He was directed by France-born Cambodian director David Beckham. Park Ji-min, a second-generation Korean immigrant who works on paintings, sculptures and installations based on France Paris, played Fredi, while actors Oh Kwang-rok and Kim Sun-young played Fredi's Korean father and aunt, respectively. Park Ji-min said, "I immigrated to France when I was in the second grade of elementary school, and I thought about the memories that were hard after immigration and the things that I could not find the answer to" my house is somewhere ". I think of myself as a champon, not The Frenchman's Son in Korea, but I expressed my own color using these feelings. " "Return to Seoul" is a Movie where almost all the filming took place in Korea, but it is a Movie with Korean actors and staffs, as well as French-speaking director David Beckham Chu, and various nationalities from France, Germany and Belgium. Park Ji-min recalls, "I understand French and Korean, and I communicate a lot in English on the spot. Sometimes, even if there are interpreters, it is difficult to convey emotions unless it is my mother tongue, and I can not interpret everything in a tight time. "" I really wanted to be hell. " David Beckham added, "There were a lot of happenings that no one in the field could understand." He also thanked actors Oh Kwang-rok and Kim Sun-Young, who were on the scene, saying, "It was funny to see it from the side. David Beckham must have been stressed, but I had fun. And I learned a lot." Park Ji-min's episode was not the only thing that was different. Oh Kwang-rok said, "It was amazing. The scenes that were close-up in the process of Fredi's time in the play, and the scenes where Fredi fell down on the street after drinking alcohol, were so contemporary and amazing. I would not have given such a much better liveliness and strength to this Movie, "he added, adding" Return to Seoul "with an unfamiliar charm. Oh Kwang-rok explained Fredi's a biological father, saying, "It is a person who meets his child again from a biological father who has abandoned his child and can not reveal his saturated feelings." He said, "I took care of what I wanted to say, but I played a state of listening to the state of my opponent's emotions. The scene I remember is my grandmother praying for Fredi, but there was no exact direction in the script. But I felt so guilty that I couldn't pray with him. I told him that I wouldn't be able to pray with him, so I'd keep my eyes open. David Beckham Chu said, "I am grateful to the Korean staff who kindly listened to my troubles as a non-Korean director and I am grateful to the actors." Oh Kwang-rok enriched the Movie. I was impressed to express my father's deep feelings through silence. Kim Sun-Young actor also appreciated the Movie for its human appearance and sense of humor. " David Beckham Chu said, "This Movie is a Movie about the face." David Beckham Chu said, "I was born in France, but my parents, who went to Cambodia, were attracted to Cambodia. The face of the Cambodian, who resembles me but lives a different life than me, remains a strong impression, and the Movie also emphasizes the faces of the Korean Tena and The Frenchman's Son Fredi, expressing a similar but contrasting identity. " Return to Seoul' will be released on May 3, when Korea and adoptee Fredi', directed by 'Non-Korean' David Beckham Chu, will find their identity.