Broadcaster So-Won Ham enjoys a luxurious life in Vietnam On the 2nd, So-won Ham unveiled a luxurious life in Vietnam. "I come to Korea to play with my friends, meet with Vietnamese friends, eat a lot together," he said, enjoying Vietnamese food with friends. Especially, So-won Ham and Evolution couple ride Ben, and they are enjoying leisure time in Vietnam, such as going to restaurants and shopping with Ben. Earlier, So-won Ham revealed that her husband, Evolution's Friend, had come, and the couple also invited their friends to enjoy a drink at a luxurious bar with a swimming pool. Meanwhile, So-won Ham married Evolution, an 18-year-old Chinese man in 2017, and has a daughter, Hye-jung. Last year, So-won Ham moved to Vietnam to educate her daughter in English, saying she had two apartments in Seoul and three apartments in Uiwang. "I got economic freedom in 47 years. I will rest for a year."