No: ze looks like he ran to all sorts of places to cover his scratches and insteAD ran to the agency that apologized for the Settlement issue. The conflict between 9th day no: ze and the agency's starting house came to the surface. i As a result of the coverage, no: ze filed a lawsuit against the company in December last year to confirm the absence of debt and to suspend the Exclusive contract until the end of the lawsuit. No: ze's position was that he did not receive Settlement payments from April last year and demanded several deposits, but the company delayed it, and the August request also explicitly refused to pay the Settlement after discussing the activity. In chronological order, in October 2021, no:ze became hugely popular through Mnet's "Street Woman Fighter." From then until March 2022, it maintained a One-size-fits-all relationship with the Start House and Settlement. In April, no:ze asked the company to change the Settlement ratio, and the company accepted it. no:ze was a symbolic artist in the company, so it was convenient. "However, the Settlement rate change is a very sensitive issue. At that time, there was a lot of exposure from the staff who worked together at the AD site, and no:ze was paid tens of millions of One-level AD fees per case, but it was not until after the AD season that it was implemented, and many claims were raised that small and medium-sized company item posts were deleted and only luxury brand posts were left. A company said, "After a series of appeals with a long message, (the post) came up." B company said, "I contracted tens of millions of won for One post, but it did not come up on the requested date. I heard it was a personal matter on the part of no:ze." "no:ze didn't post due to a condition problem (?)," the company said. "It wasn't until the end of the season that the post came up. StartingHouse apologized again on behalf of no:ze. They said, "We have not been able to keep the contract period promised in ADvance with the AD official due to our insult, and we have confirmed that the post has not been uploADed or deleted due to insufficient communication with the artist." However, immediately after the incident, no: ze came to the stage of the 'Suppa' concert and said, "We are not all those who did not try." In the end, he said, "I am sincerely sorry that I have caused damage and disappointment to those concerned without any excuse." His actions, which punctured the ship when the water came in, caused enormous damage to the company. Of course, the Settlement rate negotiations, which were underway at the request, hAD to be put on hold, and the agency did its best to turn off the lights that fell on the feet immediately. In order to appease the public opinion that turned against no: ze, I visited many people and apologized. In particular, I hAD to negotiate with the AD states, the biggest victims who believed in the image of no: ze, and negotiated penalties and damages. GrADually, no:ze was forgotten in the minds of the public, and the Gut situation was also quieted by the efforts of the agency. The Settlement of the Settlement mOney seemed to be settled toward the end, but the negative report that the Settlement mOney did not receive a penny has caused the starting house to be stigmatized as a bAD company. No matter how much mOney you have, a famous person who has a huge social impact and lives on the love of the public should not take moral responsibility. "The proverb" that says to save a drowning person and give it a bag "seems to fit perfectly. Some have raised criticism that no: ze waited for the controversy to fADe and went on to play negative media. It remains to be seen what judgment Law One will make, and which agency no:ze will be able to build a bird's nest and raise entertainment. IMBC ⁇ Photo iMBC DB ⁇ Photo Source Mnet