Actor Sun Woo-suk expressed his remarriage with Yoo Yeong-jae, a 4-year-old announcer. Sunwoo Eun-sook appeared as a special MC in the SBS entertainment program "Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest" (hereinafter referred to as "Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest"), which aired on the 7th. Sun Woo-suk said, "I was noisy when I was married and when I broke up. I did not even think about remarriage because I did not want to be mentiOned in the media again. But people changed me. I am a little embarrassed at our age, but I am really happy. " "I didn't meet him on a date. I met him when my close brother called me to a refreshment table. I broke up with him without thinking, and he said, 'I'll send you a good Music, so give me your phOne number.' The next morning, I sent two Music and a message saying, "Start a good Haru while listening to this song." I recommended only my favorite songs. "I thought I was thinking about me." One time I listened to the song and sent a picture of the bread, and during the live broadcast of the radio, the reply "I left mine" came right away. " As for the background of the promise of marriage at a high speed in eight days, "(Yoo Yeong-jae) asked," How long have you been separated? "I answered" 17 years. "He said," Trust me because you are a decent person. "If a hurdler hesitates in front of the hurdles, he will not be able to run and will fall behind," he said. "I have to look at it from the other side." Sun Woo-suk added, "If I have a debt, I do not care. I do not care if I have a debt of A billion, I do not care if I have to pay my debts instead. I do not have a divorce twice in my dictionary. " Kim So-young and Oh Sang-jin's Haru were released. On their way to a trip, Kim So-young told Oh Sang-jin, "Do not you think it's different now? Oh Sang-jin said, "It's our hOneymoon from today. I will reset it from today and drag it for another five years. "After seeing this scene, Sunwoo Eun-sook said," Husband naturally touches. We do not have much time left, so I love you a lot and I'm sorry if you do not express a lot. " Oh Sang-jin and Kim So-young arrived at the hostel and started to watch the movie, but they sat down a little apart and laughed. Oh Sang-jin did not do much better than Kim So-young. Sunwoo Eun-sook asked, "Have you tried a knee pillow?" And said, "I do not kneel but my chest." Oh Sang-jin bought buttercups, octopus, sashimi, and eel, which are good for energy and energy, and laughed at Kim So-young, saying, "Do you want to wrestle today?" Kim So-young said, "I can not afford this energy. "Kim So-young said," Actually, I keep thinking about my daughter. Even when I was watching TV, I could not concentrate. "Oh Sang-jin said caSuAlly," Did you tell SuA that you might have a second One? " Kim So-young said, "Now we do not have time to look at each other, but if we have another child, we will end up with childcare later. Oh Sang-jin said, "Let's try harder today. Let's kiss Haru three times." Seo White showed up at Ji Chun Hee's fashion show, One of the top fashion designers in Korea. Lee Hyun-yi, who accompanied him, took a look at the white posture and took a One-shot shot. Lim Chang-jung said, "(West White) said that standing on the runway was So One. So One has been achieved." Soon after, West White showed calm and confident Woking on the runway.