I can not ask my mother to come down if I can not do it until this year. I call my friend Boni, and once I come out and eat with him, he says he will lend me money. "Chanwoo, who is forced to go out, lifts his cup to have only one drink, but he opens his eyes and Boni is on the bed. I woke up and found a man in the middle of the living room under the Boni bed with blood on his head. "I think he's dead." "I figured out the situation and came out next door." Anyway, The Way Home came back, but there is no cell phone. The door is locked, but it is dangerous, but it goes through the window. "Take your cell phone The Way Home." The landlord is on his way to fix the boiler. "Chanwoo misses the timing of his return. I was stuck next door with a man who looked like a body. How to break this absurd situation. You've probably encountered this situation at some point in your life, when you're drunk enough to wake up and find yourself in a Boni "Who am I, where am I?" situation. A few years ago, Boni woke up around 6 am and was sleeping in front of the door of someone else's house with his bag out of the way. It is the worst Twisted experience I can think of now. By the way, what if you wake up and there's a dead body under your bed in Boni's other person's bed? The movie "Next Door" dramatically shifted the terrible Twisted experience of imagining the bones. I don't know how I'm going to get through this, but I want to cry because I don't know what I did last night and how I ended up like this, and I wish I hadn't. I try to promise not to do it again, but it doesn't mean much now. In the case of Chanwoo, you have to go back to The Way Home and apply. "If you try to figure out the situation and think about the solution and put it into action, you may not have enough time." You have to figure out how to get back to The Way Home somehow. "But there is no law that Chanwoo is not the killer?" "I have to do something right now, but I can not figure out what to do." The movie is based on the thrill of the situation, and the comic based on Chanwoo's character castle leads the atmosphere. I can say that it is a black comedy collectively, but I look into the cross section of the social problem without leaving a serious tension that seems to be comical all the time. We live in a time when it's not strange that we don't know who lives next door, and only twenty years ago we knew the neighbors, the buildings next door, and most of the neighbors. I know his name, age, occupation, family relationship, and personality. "But nowadays, he is a strange person." It is not strange to be reported to the police. It is not a mutual exchange but a one-sided spying. It is not strange that Chan-woo knows nothing about the 404. "Even if the 404 is noisy like Moy Yat, there is nothing that Chan-woo can do directly, and it is only a place where Chan-woo or someone next door goes through life. It's an age where you can't stay in one place as long as you used to. Even if you want to get to know your next-door neighbor, you don't have to, there's no reason to, and it's hard. "Everyone knows that indifference is the greatest enemy of Hyundai society." "It is not inhuman antagonism but indifference that this society collapses." So this movie is nice. In front of a series of wonderful events happening next door, Chanwoo responds strangely. "There is a person who does not know whether he is dead or alive, but he does not report it. Of course, what happened to him was embarrassing because it was absurd, but the reaction is selfish. On the other hand, the main clue to the incident involving Chanwoo is 'money', which happened because of Boni money. It is hard to escape from the temptation of Boni money. It seems that the pathological characteristics of the Hyundai society are encompassed because the selfishness that thinks only of self-reliance in front of the body (seemingly) overlaps with the thought of money. The problem is that if anyone is equally in this problematic situation, it is more than possible to expect that they will not think and act differently from Chan-woo. Who can assure you, as soon as you see the body, you can call the police and be free from the temptation of money. It is so clear that the film is not able to grasp the message properly because it is disarmed in front of the comic of Chanwoo without tension due to the specificity of the situation. However, we cannot blame Chan-woo, who has been buried in selfishness and materialism, because he is also a victim and not a beneficiary. It is said that the situation he is in is special, but when we think about it, it is the Hyundai society in which we live like Moy Yat on a daily basis. "Society" is evolving so that no individual can do anything. Like not knowing anything about your next-door neighbor. This article also appears on singenv.tistory.com and contents.premium.naver.com/singenv/themovie.