Hwang Bo Ra, ⁇ ⁇ Yeong-Hoon Kim and Honeymoon Delay 10,000 briquettes Donation + Direct Delivery .. 4 years good work

The new bride, Hwang Bo Ra, showed good deeds to support 10,000 briquettes for the energy-impoverished after marriage and to deliver them directly. As a result of the coverage on the afternoon of the 16th, Actor Hwang Bo Ra recently donated 10,000 briquettes for the elderly of the energy-impoverished class, and on that day, he practiced good deeds by attending the briquetting service for direct Delivery. The amount of 10,000 briquettes is said to reach about 10 million won. Hwang Bo Ra's Briquette Donation and Delivery Service is not the first time. It has been confirmed that it has been actively participating in Briquette Donation and Delivery since 2018 for four years. Hwang Bo Ra has not been well known for the time being, when the cold winter comes, he quietly leads the briquetting service with his acquaintances. In particular, Hwang Bo Ra, who became the 'Bride of November', practiced the bribery Donation after the wedding with Yeong-Hoon Kim, and participated in good work while serving Delivery instead of Honeymoon. According to officials, the two are scheduled to visit Honeymoon sometime next year. On this day, Seoul Briquette World Bank said through SNS, "Actor Hwang Bo Ra has sponsored 10,000 briquettes so that seniors can spend a warm winter this winter." As a wedding anniversary, 10,000 briquettes were donated to seniors who use briquettes for energy- I had a happy time attending a warm briquetting service. I would like to thank Actor Hwang Bo Ra for always thinking about the elderly people who use briquettes for energy-vulnerable classes and giving them good influence. " On the other hand, Hwang Bo Ra was married on the 6th after 10 years of devotion with the middle-aged Actor Kim Yong-gun's second son and Ha Jung-woo's brother, Yeong-Hoon Kim. Recently, his father-in-law Kim Yong-gun appeared as a guest in the TVN STORY performing arts 'Chairman's People' and played the role of the youngest Daughter-in-law. DB, Seoul briquette World Bank SNS