Assessor? No Indian difficulties without work" (Dolsingforman) Hwang Hyun-hee on 'Dolsing Foreman' for '10 billion KRW As an asset owner, he showed a relaxed appearance. In the sbs entertainment program 'Take off your shoes and dolsing foreman' broadcasted on the 25th, Hwang Hyun-hee, urologist Hong Sung-woo and divorce lawyer Choi Yuna talked with members of 'Dolsing Foreman'. On this day's broadcast, Hwang Hyun-hee is not Comedian but '10 billion KRW I met with members of 'Dolsing Forman' as an asset manager and 'investment expert'. When Hwang Hyun-hee, who is usually acquainted with me, appeared as a 'money expert', everyone was surprised and told Hwang Hyun-hee, "I really have 10 billion KRW "Is it there?" he asked. Hwang Hyun-hee said, "I thought Comedian would be a lifetime, but in 2014 it came out of Gag Concert'." He said, "Currently, the income earned during Comedian is coming in every month. Even if you do not work, it is not difficult for India. " Hwang Hyun-hee said, "I had a lot of worries about how to live after getting off the Gag Concert'. Then I thought, 'Let's own the money properly.' I went to India graduate school for two years and studied hard from the basics. And after two years of preparation, I took out a loan and invested in real estate," he said. Hwang Hyun-hee is saddened by the way many people listen to their acquaintances and invest, saying, "The worst Ida. I always say, 'I'll let you know.' If you start investing when others cheer, you will pay for the festival. " Hwang Hyun-hee added, "It is the worst thing to blame others after failing to invest. Who told you to invest? Ida is your share of investment. You should never blame others." Hwang Hyun-hee said, "When people make investments, they are always impatient. When others start to make money, they become impatient, and they should not be impatient. In order to invest, they should spend as much time and effort." Lastly, Hwang Hyun-hee named Kim Jun-ho as one of the members of 'Dolsing Forman' who seemed to be the worst investment. Hwang Hyun-hee asked Kim Jun-ho, who is currently doing business, "Do you know how to look at financial statements?" If you want to continue your business in the future, statistics and accounting studies are essential. " Photo=sbs broadcast screen