In the 152th TVN entertainment program 'You Quiz on the Block' broadcasted on the 4th, he traveled with heroes in each field. On this day, Kang Hyung-wook trainer, Chan Sung Jung martial arts player, singer Lim Young-woong appeared as a user and talked.
Lim Young-woong appeared as a singing hero and told the story. Lim Young-wong, who said "good luck" with the proposal of Jo Se-ho on the day, was somewhat nervous. Yoo Jae-Suk asked, "Have you ever appeared in an entertainment show alone like this?" Lim Young-woong said, "It is the first time I have appeared in an entertainment alone. "I am so nervous because I am nervous," he said. "Joe Se-ho said," It is the two major mountains of the arts and music industry. "
On the other hand, Kang Hyung-wook told the story of mature dog etiquette culture and trainer. Kang Hyung-wook, who had left the puppy that he had raised for a while ago, asked about overcoming Petros syndrome. "I have not left the puppy yet. I am delaying my sadness, "he expressed his affection and expressed his sadness.
Korean zombie Chan Sung Jung recently wept as he told the story of his defeat in the title match against Volkanowski. But cheers were poured on the appearance of Chan Sung Jung, who still says he loves martial arts.