Lim Young-woong "The Greatest Billon Is myself, Normal NO....The Way to Go Is Still A Long" ('You Quiz on the Block')

Singer Lim Young-woong has revealed he doesn't think he's normal.
In the TVN entertainment 'You Quiz on the Block' broadcasted on the last 4 days, singer Lim Young-wong appeared as a baby by specializing heroes in each field.
"I heard it was the first time I was alone," said Yoo Jae-Suk on the show, "and I'm not thinking about it because I'm nervous once." Lim Young-woong said. I'm nervous because I'm next to God," he said.
Lim Young-woong released his first full-length album, 'IM HERO', on May 2. Lim Young-woong said, "A full-length album is an album that can put a lot of different stories I want to do. It seems to be a good thing in that I can convey a lot of stories that can repay the big love I receive now. "
Lim Young-woong's debut full-length album title track 'Can I Meet Again' was written by Lee Juck; Jo Se-ho said: "I met Lee Juck a while ago. My mouth was on my ear. I said, "Do you have any good?" And he said, "No." "Lee Juck doesn't really sing to anyone else," Yoo Jae-Suk said.
Jo Se-ho said, "It's a behind-the-scenes story, but when Lee Juck produced it, Lim Young-woong felt that he was very hard at practicing and was definitely different. Lee Juck was good because he was good at interpreting the song. "Yoo Jae-Suk asked," Are you in the same agency as Lim Young-woong? " Jo Se-ho replied, "I'm sorry, I tried to take a sideline if I told you honestly," and laughed.
The recording site for "You Quiz on the Block" was Hongdae; for Lim Young-woong, Hongdae had an extraordinary meaning. Lim Young-woong said, "I was living in Pocheon about seven years ago, the first neighborhood in Seoul. I still live all the time." Lim Young-woong has sold sweet potatoes at the exit 7 of Hapjeong Station in the past. Lim Young-woong said, "After the song 'Electric Exit 5 of Hapjeong Station' came out, I said 'I was also a girl at exit 5'."
Lim Young-woong was in his sixth year of debut, saying: "Since I was a kid, I've been thinking about singing because my friends said I was singing a little bit in the neighborhood. I decided to go to a Music institute in my senior year of high school. It is not easy to get into a company after graduating from college. "The most popular song was 'How old was my age'," he said. When a young person plays such a song on stage, adults like it. "
Also, Lim Young-woong said, "You think a lot about Trott being loved once again now, in fact, he was not in his prime, he was always loved." "Trot has never been loved for a moment, and I have always been touched by him around me. My mother likes him. So it was natural to enter the trot. "
Lim Young-woong spoke about a story he had promised at a meeting with fans at a movie theater in the past. Lim Young-woong said, "At that time, I sing in front of 40 people, but I will sing in front of 4,000 people in five years and 40,000 people in 10 years. It was a ridiculous dream. How did it happen? It is strange that 40,000 people are still ridiculous, but that they are fulfilling their dreams, and that they can go that way. "
Lim Young-woong will host more than 20 All states tour concerts with the release of his first full-length album; All states tour concerts have also sold out all seats. "That's what it is," Lim Young-woong laughed. Lim Young-woong said, "I am going to be able to climb the stage with a weapon because there are some parts that I have not been born to compensate for the shortcomings from the past. "I thought that I would like to develop a Musical skill that can talk to people rather than give a technical joy. I practiced singing as I said from then on."
Since his debut in Lim Young-woong, he has been running YouTube channels steadily: total inquiry is over 1.3 billion views. Lim Young-woong said: "When I first started, I just started because there was nothing I could do, a time when YouTubers were not activated. No one called me, no stage. I had been uploading videos from the studio. That's what it is already like. " "I think it's really me when I'm standing on stage," she said.
"I try to get out as comfortable as possible, I try to communicate with people as I often get along with them," Lim Young-woong said. Lim Young-woong never thought about the song that gave him comfort. "I always thought I was singing for someone, but I have never thought about a song for me," he said. Not only that, Lim Young-woong worked for about two years without a break; Lim Young-woong has been in Europe for album work and more. He met Son Heung-min at Planes returning to Korea.
Lim Young-woong said: "About three days before I returned, I intuitively guessed Tottenham Kyonggi; I just got back and had a day before the national team Kyonggi. I came in on the same Planes as Son Heung-min. I met him in line just before I got off. I wanted to pretend to know more about it, but it seemed uncomfortable." He said, " (fans) told me that I feel like I'm seeing a singer I liked when I was a child. So he says he's his brother," he said.
Lim Young-woong said, "I have been on the air for a long time, and I want to give you the love I received Musically. I would like to thank you for listening to the Music I am listening to. " "How long is it, but I've been on the air and this is so hard, I'm going to be stressed, how do you relieve stress when you do that?" Yoo Jae-Suk said, "Although I am in my own way, there are many things such as talking to acquaintances, time with my family, and watching my favorite program. The most recommended thing is video calls. "
Lim Young-woong said: "I've always thought I'm being loved so much for what I have now, and I'm constantly trying and trying to get better than I have before. "When I hit the wall, I get a lot of stress." "My biggest Billon is myself. I keep bothering myself. I am the one who keeps bothering me while I have to overcome the wall that keeps hitting me. "I think that stress is the most stressful person I am stressing to myself so that I think it is not healthy stress for myself."
Finally, Lim Young-woong said, "I think what if people don't like me, I don't think it's normal, there's still a long way up. I have a lot of worries about how to fill the shortage. I thought I wanted to show my fans a variety of ways. I am waiting for that moment, imagining the day in front of a lot of audiences. "