Hwasa "Will it end if you die," Sunbather ignores and Undergarment unwearing..."Issuing 'In-Situ' of Issue Maker

MamaMOO Hwasa is on the guise that this time he ignored Sunbather, who also returns as a big issue for Hwasa. Hwasa, who has recently felt uneasy about his feelings, is the reason why his life as a beloved singer and 'issue maker' seems to be burdened.
Singer Um Jung-hwa said on his Instagram account on the 1st, "Seoul check-in. I guess I said, "I can't contact you" because Hwasa, who I met for a long time, is so glad and so good that I'm always busy with Hwasa. Hwasa always answers with Hwasa as 'Sunbathenny'. It's a night when I can hear Hwasa laughter. "
The explanation of Um Jung-hwa came from the fourth teabing 'Seoul Check-in' released on the 29th of last month. In the video, Um Jung-hwa Boa Hwasa, including Lee Hyori, was shown having a drink at Kim Wan-sun's house.
On this day, Hwasa told Um Jung-hwa, "If you go to Jeju, please call me too." Um Jung-hwa said, "Is it true? I'm busy and I'm not getting in touch." Lee Hyori added: "Hwasa is a fly-going kid with a luxury bag, ignores us as global, self-Sunnather is Beyonce, not us."
Some public responded to the joke Uhm Jung-hwa made, saying he ignored the music industry Sunbather. It is not the first time Hwasa has been hit by public woes even in light stories.
Hwasa is also embroiled in an unsettled "racist" controversy: Hwasa's costume became a problem during the live broadcast of MBC's "I Live Alone" YouTube in 2020. The clothes Hwasa wore reminded me of a traditional Nigerian costume. Some foreign viewers criticized Hwasa intensely, and eventually the 'I live alone' side made an official position in English.
Hwasa was also interested in the 2019 Undergarment unattended: Hwasa showed off airport fashion after completing the schedule for "SBS Super Concert in Hong Kong" at the time. However, Hwasa was not wearing Undergarment in a T-shirt.
'Undetermined Undergarment' is individual freedom, but Hwasa rises to the public's cubicle and has been criticised. In fact, one community site also supported Hwasa and opposed public opinion.
The more attention you get, the more controversial it is. That's why celebrities are careful about small behavior. However, Hwasa has recently confessed his uneasy feelings, so he has been worried about the public.
Hwasa said of the evil in the recently released wave original "MamaMOO_Weal Awe We Now": "If I die, will this situation end? "I also said,"I rewarded my fans with music, communicated with them, and this is all I have, but I went to the point where I did not want to do music. "
Hwasa is a top entertainer who is in the public eye; celebrities are sometimes criticized by the public regardless of their intentions. Hwasa also became a singer simply because of his good music, but he should be careful about words and actions as the spotlight shines, but it is true that the public's standard for him feels harsh. It's time for a wider public understanding of a 28-year-old lady to appear necessary.