Lee Hyori, "would not have intended" to the controversy over the unused use of Hwasa underwear (MMM)

In the public footage, Hwasa said, "I just felt natural and comfortable," about the controversy about not wearing his underwear, and Lee Hyori also said, "Yes. It is not a personality that I intended and intended. "
"When I was a child, I thought I had too much, and my parents could not support me about what I wanted to do. It is true that my parents gave me the most of the three sisters, but I had an obsession that I had to try a few times more to try because it was a time when the IMF burst and the house became very difficult. "
Hwasa, who received a lot of evil about the external part, said, "I thought it was unfortunate. 'If I die, will this situation end?' "I thought that my main job was a Singer, but I want to do business, I want to do something, and I do not want to do this. It is all about rewarding fans and communicating with them through Music."
"That's all I am, but I went to the point where I did not want to do Music. "Is it just a bad person to live like a fool and be hurt?" I lonely this conflict alone. But I think most people in the world are having such a conflict. "
Photo: Wave