Now I do not know exactly who is right and who is false, but the obvious thing is that the TVN 'You Quiz on the Block' side and the Table President's claims are clearly mixed and controversial.
On the 20th TVN entertainment 'You Quiz on the Block on the Block', President-elect Yoon Seak-ryul appeared and met MC Yoo Jae-Suk and Jo Se-ho.
Since the appearance of the article, the viewer's bulletin board has been at the center of the issue, with more than 9,000 articles pouring out. In response, 'You Quiz on the Block' has always said, "There is no related position," and the broadcast was broadcast as scheduled.
The national MC Yoo Jae-Suk also showed a nervous face unlike usual in the news that the guest was Yoon Seak-ryul, and there was a serious tension in the recording studio.
"I heard that 'You Quiz on the Block' is a popular pro. So we came out, "and Yo Jae-Suk said," We are embarrassed. Can we do Torque? It's burdensome. " Yoon said, "Did you think I would not come out?"
In the early days, 'You Quiz on the Block' was not unique fun, but an awkward person Danger was delivered, but Yoon and Yoo Jae-Suk talked naturally and Torque on various topics continued. The broadcast was finished well without any problems.
However, on the 21st, Table President Blue House protocol secretary said on his Facebook page, "Yoon's appearance on the Block is not a problem. Even if there may be different judgments from viewers, his appearance itself is due to the problem that the production team and the cast will decide. However, apart from whether Yoon is appearing, CJ's lie against Blue House has a serious problem. "
"First of all, in April and before last year, Blue House asked the president, Blue House barbers, shoe repairers, and landscapers to appear in the program," said Table President. "At that time, the production team has expressed its refusal to say 'I do not fit the program', We did not ask any more. There is a record of talking to the program manager at the time, and it remains as a message exchanged. Nevertheless, CJ's lying to the media that it has never been asked (to appear) has a bigger problem than the lie itself. "
A year ago, Blue House asked President Moon Jae-in and other Blue House people to appear on "You Quiz on the Block," but the crew refused to "match the nature of the program." On the other hand, Yoon Seak-ryul appeared in 'You Quiz on the Block' ahead of his inauguration, and the position of the production team changed 180 degrees.
However, according to the Table President, the most problematic thing is that tvN 'You Quiz on the Block' is lying to the media about "unfounded" in connection with the question of Moon Jae-in.
Finally, the Table President protocol secretary said, "I still want to believe that Yoon's appearance was the judgment of the production team. At that time, I decided that the appearance of the president and the Blue House people did not fit the nature of the program, and now it is good to say that the judgment of Yoon has been decided because the judgment has changed. "I hope that there will be no external pressure. It is because of Yi Gi, which keeps the dignity of the broadcasting and cultural artists themselves. "
'You Quiz on the Block' is an entertainment, but every week a theme was set and non-entertainers and stars representing the job appeared. It is fun to know the job that I have not been able to easily see, but it is no exaggeration to say that it became a representative entertainment of tvN because it showed the authenticity without pretense or embellishment. But the truth-telling process has apparently begun as it is embroiled in a "false" controversy that undermines authenticity and hits direct hits.
DB, tvN 'You Quiz on the Block' poster and broadcast screen, Yoon Seak-ryul elected SNS