GABEE boyfriend appears "Rejecting Photos Against First Eye" Kang Ju-eun disapproves (The Last Godfather)

The boyfriend of dancer GABEE was first released on the air.
On April 26, KBS 2TV 'New Family Relationship Certificate The Last Godfather' was released to see Kang Joo-eun meet with her boyfriend Joy Taek who came to GABEE's house. On this day, Joe Taek appeared surprised after pressing the home password of GABEE.
"I thought it was sexy when I first saw it," GABEE said of her boyfriend, who has been dating for more than two years, on my cell phone.
For a while, Kang Ju-eun disapproved of his boyfriend who came in by pressing his password. "I know the password, so I often come and eat together. My house is far from Incheon. When I finish late in Seoul, I come here and sleep. "
"I'm not happy to see you so suddenly. I'm a little bit heartbroken. We'll see. Who can come into my daughter's house anytime? I had to do a screening, "he said, watching GABEE's boyfriend closely.
Joey Taek is currently in the extreme to act as an actor. GABEE said, "I was dating for two and a half years. I showed him my picture and he said he was head-to-head. He completely beat me. "
"How dare you dig our daughter? How do you dig," said Kang Joo, "I will explain it. I thought it was not a person I could handle. I thought the way to walk was different. "
GABEE said, "Why did you meet me by chance, but when I saw me at first sight, I was in love with me." Joe Taek said, "GABEE stood in the back and was so cool. It was more beautiful than pretty. I was actively courting at first sight. "
Kang Ju-eun told Joe Taek, "I think I'm the only one who can do as well as I can to GABEE." "I do not like anyone from my mother's point of view," he said. "I honestly want to see a little more. I do not want to allow it if I do not really like my mother. "