On TVN's Saturday Drama "Twenty Five Twinty One", which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 20th, Ji Seung-wan (Lee Joo-myung), who declared his resignation without being able to tolerate the violence of the teacher, was portrayed.
Yeji Lee (Ju Bo-young), a junior in the fencing department, was upset when he told coach Yang Chan-mi (Kim Hye-eun) that he would quit fencing. Yeji Lee expressed his heart to Na Hee-do (Kim Tae-ri) and the late Yu Rim (Kim Ji-yeon) saying, "Fencing is not fun anymore."
Na Hee-do replied to Yang Chan-mi, "I am happy to fencing, and Yezi is no longer fun, so you can stop. So, Yu Rim and Na Hee-do declared their absence from training, and Na Hee-do sent a note to Yu Rim, who entered the classroom, saying, "Behavior than words, I feel right."
Yang Chan-mi promised Yeji Lee that he would quit the fencing department if he achieved the 'All states tournament quarter-finals'. Na Hee-do and Ko Yu Rim, who declared their absence from training, also rolled up their arms for Yeji Lee.
Eventually, Yeji Lee declared abstention after achieving his goal of being the quarter-finals of the All states tournament; Yang Chan-mi said, "Make sure you remember today. Do not forget how you got a new opportunity. "
Ji Seung-wan picked up the phone and reported to the police, saying, "There is a teacher who regularly assaults students." However, the police said, "How do you educate without corporal punishment?" And Ji Seung-wan was treated as a problem.
When Baek Jin-jin heard the news, he visited Ji Seung-wan and stopped Interview. Ji Seung-wan said, "I thought I was relatively smart, but that was not it.
On the other hand, the teacher called Ji Seung-wan again to the counseling room the next day and demanded an apology for the fact that the name of the school and the name of the teacher were released to the broadcast. Ji Seung-wan declared his resignation and went out, saying, "I do not apologize and do not write a reflection."
Moon Ji-woong said to Ji Seung-wan's resignation, "Your only weakness is that you left me as Friend. You're perfect. Ji said, "I am Friends with you to get caught up in the work. I will continue to be fun with you."