Seo Jae Hee Kim Tae-ri and her mother rang viewers.
In the 11th episode of TVN's Saturday drama 'Twenty Five Twinty One' broadcast on March 19 (playplay by Kwon Do-eun/directed by Jung Ji-hyun), the conflict between Shin Jae-kyung (Seo Jae Hee), Na Hee-do (Kim Tae-ri) and her mother and daughter exploded.
Na Hee-do proposed to his mother, Shin Jae-kyung, to fix the chair made by his dead Father, and Shin Jae-kyung promised to go to the woodworking room together a few days later. However, on the day of the promise, Shin Jae-kyung broke his promise with his daughter Na Hee-do because of the breaking news of the arrest of Shin Chang-won. Na Hee-do, who was trying to move the chair alone, dropped it and said to his mother, Shin Jae-kyung, "I should have come if I had time to drink."
So Shin Jae-kyung said, "Suddenly, it was because of the breaking news." "I was breaking news. Come to you? Because appointment with you is more important? I am your mother, but I am also an anchor. I am like you are in a fight, even if you are sad and sick. I knew you would. “I’m always ready to be disappointed,” he said.
“You wanted me to grow up fast for that reason,” Na Hee-do said. “I’m 13 years old. She’s still 13 years old because she doesn’t understand the breaking news. She’s right. I don’t even want to understand. “I didn’t know that at the time,” he said. “What does it mean that my mother didn’t come to Father The Funeral? But as I was a year old, I knew exactly what it meant: the more I knew, the more hurt I was, and the more hurt I felt, the more hurt I felt in my latest edition.”
In 1993, Shin Jae-kyung received a call from a hospital saying his husband was in critical condition in the crisis of missing the difficult anchor position. Shin was about to run to the hospital when he was about to run to the hospital and when the news of the plane crash broke out, he took charge of the breaking news to prove his place.
Shin Jae-kyung recalled the time and told her daughter Na Hee-do, "You're just missing your Father, aren't you? I'm not. I'm .80. I've been doing it all along. I can’t help but avoid it, and I’ve forgotten it, and I don’t want you to understand it now, but don’t blame my efforts to avoid it, because that’s how I stand.”
The next day, Na Hee-do met her Father's chair and found it while she was looking for it, and she shed tears. When Lee Jin had no chair, he advised Na Hee-do to make a chair himself, and Na Hee-do went to the woodworking office and made a chair, and found out that Shin Jae-kyung, who was late, left the chair in the woodworking office and tried to fix it. In addition, Shin Jae-kyung Nahee also headed for oxygen together with the mother and daughter, and the conflict between the mother and daughter ended.
Shin Jae-kyung, who bowed to her husband's oxygen, said to her daughter Na Hee-do, "Is you really 13 years old? I wanted to talk when you were big? I actually miss your Father so much, I miss him so much.” Na Hee-do soothed her mother, Shin Jae-kyung, and shed tears, “Mom, I miss him so much.”