'a demon' Kim Tae-ri, Jin Seon-kyu knew why he accepted a demon..."Should I be like Father" Confusion

Kim Tae-ri learned the meaning of Jin Seon-kyu's words to him. In the SBS drama 'a demon' broadcasted on the 15th, Gusan! Young, who had the same disease as the old Steel wool, was portrayed. On this day's broadcast, I found Gusan! yeong-eun ophthalmology. Physician said that Professor Steel wool, the father of Gusan! Young, was suffering from optic atrophy. "It started in 1999, and it is a symptom that goes black and comes back again." This was a symptom of Gusan! Young. "Gusan! yeong-eun" So I'm the same disease as my father? "I asked if there was any treatment. Physician said, "Unfortunately, the cause of this disease has not yet been identified. There is no treatment at this time." In the end, it is likely to be blind within a year or five or six years. But Physician said, "I must have been wrong, because I ran into Professor Steel wool last year." His eyes seemed fine even after his last visit ten years ago. The Physician asked if his eyes were all right, and the old Steel wool said yes, which was actually in a demon. Physician, who does not know this fact, said, "This disease has a large genetic factor in the family history. I hope that the patient will be as well as my father." Gusan! yeong-eun I understood the meaning of the phrase "I could not help it." Gusan! yeong-eun "Because of my eyes, I was forced to choose a demon. "I should be like my father," he said confused.