Seoul = = Actor Jin Seon-kyu, who plays as a state-run singer in his first drama starring "The Readers of Evil," has released a new profile.
Jin Seon-kyu's agency, El Zulai Entertainment, released a new profile photo of Jin Seon-kyu on Wednesday. Jin Seon-kyu, who shows a presence that encompasses visuals and atmosphere beyond solid smoke, fills the frame with a friendly and soft smile.
In particular, Jin Seon-kyu, who is wearing a suit and revealing one forehead, is emitting a new charm. The chic yet intelligent image is different from what we have shown so far, attracting Eye-catching. There is a special loveliness for Jin Seon-kyu, who sincerely plays every moment. The relaxed and playful look that makes people comfortable together is the charm that only Jin Seon-kyu can have.
"I think that the experience of showing the existing image and the other is always fun, and when the perfect sympathy is made between the photographer and the person taking the picture, I think that a good picture comes out," said Jin Seon-kyu. "It is not easy to show many things with only a facial expression and minimal movement in a fixed frame, but it gives a strange pleasure that seems to exceed the limit."
Currently, Jin Seon-kyu introduces the field of 'propiling' as the godfather of Korean scientific investigation in 'Those who read the heart of evil', and plays the state-run water with the motif of the real person Yoon-chul, who unearthed Professor Kwon Il-yong, .
On the other hand, 'Part 2' of 'Those who read the heart of evil' will be broadcasted at 10 pm on the 25th.