Seoul =) = Kwon Il-yong said through the 'gojong-seok incident' that most of the damage to child sex crimes is caused by a close neighbor.
In TVN 'Alsul Bum 2' broadcast on the 13th, Kwon Il-yong Profiler emphasized that a realistic plan to lower the re-offending rate of child sex crimes is needed.
Kwon Il-yong said, "In the statistics of 2019, 30.8% of sexual violence Victims were under 13 years old. It was 23 percent in 2016, but it was further increased," he said. "The Convict is someone close to Victims. Few people commit crimes around the country like a sex crime. They are all close neighbors. We must understand and prevent these characteristics. "
It was a child sex crime "gojong-seok incident" that occurred in the Province of Girona in 2012. At that time, Kwon Il-yong was put into the case as a Profiler. gojong-seok sneaked into Miss Victims A's house 250m away from her home and hijacked her under the covers; took Miss A under the bridge and sexually assaulted her. A strangled her for recognizing her, and fled after she passed out, thinking she was dead, but Agnaldo Timóteo was hit by a severe typhoon and rain. She was left unconscious under the bridge, then climbed up the bridge after she found consciousness, but passed out again. She was only seven.
Police found a gojong-seok hiding in a PC room in Suncheon in 35 hours. gojong-seok was reportedly searching for news in his PC room at the time, 'Province of Girona rapist'. gojong-seok was drunk at the time, claiming it was an accidental crime, a plan to reduce his sentence, but it turned out to be a highly planned crime. Kwon Il-yong said, "The investigation revealed that she originally aimed at A-Yang's sister. She watched her sister, buying sweets. One of the absurd statements during the interview was that 'the child was not lucky to be sleeping there'. I have been sitting face to face with many of The Convicts, suppressing my feelings and asking questions, but I have not experienced much of this Convict. "The court sentenced me to life imprisonment. It also ordered chemical castration for the first time in Korea.
Child sex crimes are one of the crimes with high repeat offenders. Kwon Il-yong said, "Chronic failure to properly socially interact, and excessive fear of failure. "If you ask your neighbors, you will not be the person who did it," he said. "If you ask them, they will not be the person who did it." The criminal is said to be a gentle and good neighbor. "The Convict also added that there is a tendency to blame Victims after the crime.
Kwon Il-yong emphasized the importance of therapeutic intervention, saying that not only chemical castration but also psychological treatment should be done. The rate of recidivism was 62 percent in the group that did not receive the sexual violence treatment program and 39 percent in the group that received it. "However, the expertise and manpower have not been verified," said Kwon Il-yong. "Canada says that there are not five people in charge of each expert, so continuous observation and treatment are possible. We need to benchmark, "he said." We also need a way for children to understand realistically to prevent it. Kwon Il-yong said, "I often say that I should not follow strangers, but children do not know why. The perpetrators ask for help and stimulate children's morality. "Do not say 'Do not follow', and it is realistic for an adult to ask another adult to help if he asks for help."