Ji Hyun Woo, Park Ha-na, who found 'gentleman and young lady' Memory, knew he was not a child's paternity

'Gentleman and young lady' Ji Hyun Woo regains Memory
In the 46th KBS 2TV weekend drama "Gentleman and young lady" broadcast on the 6th, Lee Young-guk (Ji Hyun Woo) regained his past Memory and noticed the lie of Park Ha-na.
On this day, Josa lied that he had been proposed at the villa, and said he had a child, Agnaldo Timóteo, but Lee Yeong-guk remembered what he had gone to the villa and said, "Why are you lying? We didn't have anything to do with Agnaldo Timóteo. I pushed him away. But Agnaldo Timóteo, what did we do?"
"I did it on the first day, but I went to the villa several times next time," Lee said. "I checked with the villa uncle. I went to the villa with Chief Joe only once, Agnaldo Timóteo, and I went back to Agnaldo Timóteo. Why do you keep lying? Is that my child? "I doubted it.
Lee said, "I am not sure that the child is my child anymore because Joe keeps lying. And later, when the child comes to the world and genetically tests it, it is confirmed that it is my child, we will talk again. "
I also took a picture of Lee Young-guk and Park Dan-dan (Lee Se-hee) hugging me, and went to Park Soo-cheol (Lee Jong-won)'s house. I showed a picture to Park Soo-cheol, and said, "I really want to die. I went into the chairman's house to have this child with him, and he's just getting his hands on me. Park came to the house and said, "What if I shake the president like this?"
"I was married last time because of Park, and I am going to do well with the president for the child, but if I am not here, I will come here. Let him stay away from you. You want him to be without his father? If he's not, he'll come back to me. I'm so tired. I really want to die," he said.
In the end, Park Soo-cheol apologized to Jo Sa-ra, and Park Dan-dan decided to organize his relationship with Lee Young-guk. Park Dan-dan met Jo Sa-ra again and apologized, and told Lee Se-jong (Seo Woo-jin) that he could not meet in the future.
Lee Young-guk was angry when he found out that Jo Jo Jo-ra had visited Park Soo-chul, and Lee Young-guk told Jo Jo Jo-ra to leave the house and Jo Jo-ra reported directly to the media that he was pregnant with Lee Young-guk's child.
Lee Yeong-guk checked the newspaper article later and went straight to Jo Sa-ra. Lee Yeong-guk said, That's the pregnant chief. Why do you think this is? If you like me like you say, you can not do this to me. What do you want from me? "
"What do I want in this situation when I am pregnant with your child? I am your wife. That is the only thing I want." Lee Young-guk said, "Chief Cho. It will not happen even if the sky is two sides. "
"Then I'll never get out of this house, and if you force me out, you'll probably see this article title right away, Chairman Lee Young-guk of the Aftert group. The next article threatened to die in the Han River, the pregnant President Lee Young-guk, who was pregnant. "Lee Young-guk stepped out of his position.
Lee Yeong-guk struck the wall with his fist and took back all the Memory he had forgotten at this time, following Lee Yeong-guk assailant, and said, I did wrong. Please give me a chance to see my child in my stomach. Please. "
Lee Young-guk said, "Who is the child in the stomach?"
Photo = KBS Broadcasting Screen