Singer Jeon Yeong-Rok gradually reveals his family history and life history that he has not said anywhere since his debut in TV's sign program 'A Number of Gods: Blessed Show'.
Singer Jeon Yeong-Rok said, "I always wanted to see TV and all the things I wanted to see." "I want you to program for a long time, saying it is really good to meet you."
Jeon Yeong-Rok talked about the harsh family atmosphere, saying, "I grew up under a father who was patriarchal and a mother of a strong and strong personality." He confessed his childhood when he was raised under the late Yellow Sea, the best movie star of the time, and the late Baek Sul-hee, a singer.
“The truth was that she was just like the people who had been touched,” he said, suddenly saying that he saw Buddha at home during the recording. “I didn’t want to go to the entertainment industry, so I made my debut in the entertainment industry because of what my aunt told my parents while I was in the military.” Jeon Yeong-Rok's sudden Confessionss was once a sad atmosphere of the recording studio. What will Jeon Yeong-Rok's hidden family history, which he confessed for the first time on the air, will be revealed in TV 'One Number of Gods: Blessed Show'.
The TV's signboard program 'The Number of Gods: Blessed Show' is a talk show about the life of five of Korea's best men (Yoo Yu-yeop, Snow Witch, Hae Man-shin, Yeonhwa Shrine, Gmundosa Saeam Young-shin Party) and entertainers.