The final Judgment on the lawsuit filed by singer Yoo Seung-jun (Steve Seung-jun Yu and 46) asking for a visa to enter Korea is going on next month, and attention is being paid to the conclusion.
The Seoul Administrative Court held a final defense of the lawsuit filed by Yoo Seung-jun against the Consul General of the Republic of Korea, USA, and the final position of both sides.
"There are a lot of cases where we do not go to the army to avoid military service, but there is only one measure that prohibits entry for more than 20 years," said Yoo Seung-jun, a representative of the hospital.
On the other hand, the government representative said, "The plaintiff's entry itself is likely to cause social conflicts." What the plaintiffs demand is to undermine the value of the overseas Koreans' visa, which is not much different from the Korean people, .
Yoo Seung-jun left the country in January 2002 for overseas performances and acquired American citizenship. This is the point that he gave up his Korean nationality to avoid military service.
Since then, Yoo Seung-jun filed a lawsuit in October 2015 when the LA Consulate General refused to issue a visa for overseas Koreans (F-4).
The Supreme Court, however, decided in March 2020 that the plaintiffs would win the plaintiffs’ bid after a cancellation, but the government refused to issue a visa again.
The court will receive additional data from both sides by the 28th and will sentence the first Judgment on the 14th of next month. It is noteworthy what Judgment will be received on the day of the Yoo Seung-jun, who was refused entry into the country due to controversy over military service avoidance.