Seoul) = broadcaster Park So-hyun has revealed he has kept his weight the same for 30 years.
In MBC entertainment program 'Radio Star' broadcasted on the last day, Park So-hyun came out as a guest and said, "Many people are curious about my health secret. He said, "How do you manage your body uniformly?"
Park So-hyun said, "I stretch before I sleep at Moy Yat night; I always do it when I travel; no matter how tired I am, I fold my body like a folder." The gag woman Hong Hyon-hee, who was next to him, said, "The weight is 47kg, not always the same, Waist is 25".
Park So-hyun is right, saying, "Normally, the weight increases as you get older, and there are few people who keep it. But I weighed the same as 30 years ago. "
"I'm only about 1kg different from 30 years ago," he said. "When I ate a little more rice, I went up as much as I ate. I can not say the pleasure when I increased 500g. "
When MCs wondered about the amount of food, Park So-hyun said he was always newsing, especially "Coffee can not drink small sizes. I have never eaten Coffee, "he said." I eat that much for breakfast, lunch, I eat a cup of Coffee, and I do not eat anything else. "
"Everyone says, 'Can you live like this?' But there is energy in the news," Park So-hyun said. Kim Gook Jin, who listened to this, laughed and laughed.
On the show, Park So-hyun also revealed his secrets during the show. He said, "Moy Yat stretching before bed, Moy Yat drinking herbal tea, not turning on heaters or air conditioners to avoid dryness, and putting wet tissue on Radio booths."