Park Ye-eun "Records of the Grand Historian Constraint of 20 billion, Is Lee Yong Han on Day...Drinking and Wandering with tobacco" Tears ('Love Dosa')

'Love Dosa' Park Ye-eun tears as he confides in his father
In the SBS Plus 'Love Dosa' season 2, Park Ye-eun Park Ye-eun expressed his worries and worries about marriage.
On this day, Park Ye-eun is famous for his autobiographical song lyrics: "I did a lot of bright songs during Wonder Girls, and Park Ye-eun worked a lot on stories inside. There are many sad stories," he said.
Park Ye-eun said: "I hate lying, I had a friend who lied when I just opened his mouth. I found a paper in the car, but it was a parking pass. "" It was not my house, his house, and the time was 5 am. I could not excuse it. " "I think I have done Love more than 10 times," he said. "I think about marriage every time I do Love."
Park Ye-eun, who met Sajudo after that, said, "I can marriage." "If I can be happy, I want to marriage, but I do not want to be unhappy because I marriage." "My mother did a divorce, but now she remarried and lived happily, but I know how hard it was after divorce, so I hate divorce. If you are marriage, I want to do it when the probability of divorce is less than 0.1%, but I do not know people. "
Park Ye-eun's owner, who is very strong and strong, is also a man who can not bear it. Park Ye-eun said, "All Love was a man in his 20s. When I was a child, I thought I was meeting my peers, but now that I am thirty-three, I am getting older, and the men are getting younger.
Park Ye-eun wept, also referring to his father. Park Ye-eun was arrested for the Records of the Grand Historian crime at the stage of a new start at the time of moving the company after a decade at JYP.
Park Ye-eun said, "When I was a child, my parents gave me a duty, so I did not see it for a very long time and hated it a lot." "I started to contact and meet again three to four years before I was arrested for the Records of the Grand Historian," he said. "I thought it was because I did not have confidence in my father because I could not trust a man. I thought I should restore my relationship with my father. "
Park Ye-eun said: "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I hurt you so much when I was a kid.'" I thought that I was Lee Yong when the incident broke out. "He said," My father was my father. It seems impossible to believe in people. Especially to believe in men. "
Park Ye-eun, who put himself down a lot at the time, said, "Do you feel like living? I smoke tobacco, drink a lot of alcohol, and meet a man."
The company, which later judged Park Ye-eun's condition to be poor, recommended psychological counseling, and said, "I received about a year, I think I healed the wound while talking about it."
Park Ye-eun said: "Fortunately, my mother remarried, she did it seven years ago and her husband is a good person. I am living with my mother and receiving all the Love that my mother did not receive. "" I also thought positively that I could meet a good man. "
"I like the person who accepts and accepts me," said Cold Dosa, who was 54, 55, and 56 years old when Park Ye-eun was lucky to be marriage.