"I'm holding a press conference in front of JYP..." Park Ye-eun, "Frauding": Why I can't forgive... Oh Eun Young "You can hate" ('Gold Counselor')

'Oh Eun Young's Gold Counseling Center' Park Ye-eun has spoken out about why he can't forgive his father.
Singer Hotfeld and cartoonist Park Kwang-soo appeared in the channel A entertainment program 'Oh Eun-young's Gold Counseling Center (abbreviatedly the Golden Counseling Center)' broadcast on the 11th.
Park Kwang-soo said, "I keep thinking about what I should have in my head." He said, "It is a style that points out to people around me. So it hurts the people around me. I know that I can not fix it. "
"My close junior is a little fat, but I am worried about my health, so I point out that I should "take out my weight." I say that I am diabetic and have hypertension in this condition. "
Oh Eun Young said: "Generally, I point out to prove my superiority; the second is that many people who are obsessive about the role of savior also point out. Finally, when my daughter-in-law, who was married, became a mother-in-law, she said.
In the meantime, "In the case of Park Kwang-soo, the anger that started from the absurdity that he experienced as a child, seems to have not been resolved yet. I think I have made a lot of efforts to change the world through cartoons. "He said," It is called sublimation in spirit and terminology. I feel like I have a sense of helplessness and frustration today. "
Dr. Oh said, "I think it is possible to raise the neck sound about absurdity of society. However, it seems that it is the appearance of human Park Kwang-soo to point out steadily as if he painted 'Gwangsu idea' which is not a fugitive but a natural feeling. "
Park Ye-eun said: "My father is in prison for fraud, it's been about five years. Now I have erased my father's existence in my life, and people around me say "forgive me." But I think there are things that I should not be forgiven in the world. "
Asked by Dr. Oh, "Do you have a way to live?" Park Ye-eun said, "I honestly thought that I wanted to die at the time. I started listening to music because I didn't want to hear the fighting sound. Music is a healing for me," Confessions said.
"I've been playing music and recounting my feelings, I feel really comfortable organizing a lot of feelings," Park Ye-eun laughed, with Oh Eun Young saying, "You did a good job. It’s not that the hard feelings are solved right away, but if you’re very careful and hate your father, you don’t have to try to get them out quickly. Even if you hate your father, Mr. Park Ye-eun is not a bad person. I do not want to raise my hate mind, but I have to feel it enough and think about it, and my feelings become digestive as food digestion. "
"If you try to send it out quickly, your feelings will not be resolved. In that sense, you do not have to forgive your father right now."
Dr. Oh said, "I hope that this broadcast will clearly draw a line and declare it. I must say that it is my biological father, but it has nothing to do with me. If something happens and you do not want to hate your father more because of it, you should. "
Dr. Oh Eun Young said, "It is okay to cry. Even if you hate your father, Park Ye-eun is not a bad person."
Channel A 'Gold Counseling Center' screen capture