Siwan presents new Acting transformation
Wave's new original Drama, 'T Speed Racer' (playplayed by Kim Hyun-jung/directed by Lee Seung-young), is a exciting follow-up Drama that depicts the unspoiled activity of a poisonous man who has rolled into five tax countries called 'waste-hatching grounds', a place that is more scary than a plate test for someone.
Siwan, who has been loved by the public for his work in various works such as Drama 'microbial' intern, 'other is hell' writer, 'run on' national athletics national team, etc., is transformed into an intense image that is 180 degrees different from his previous work with Drama 'T Speed Racer'.
Siwan’s “brass wine” Character in “T Speed Racer” is the industry’s best accountant who managed the back money of a former conglomerate, and he has earned both money and success. But suddenly he quit his well-known company and now he is a researcher and now a Character who has become the head of the tax department called 'Grabbit Hachijang'.
brass wine, which shows its extraordinary ability to chew the industry, armed with its unique shamelessness and ingenuity, and revenue, and shows an unpredictable performance, will give a pleasant pleasure to viewers.
Siwan, who has returned to charismatic eyes and audacious charm instead of a distinctive good smile through the bad money-chasing brass wine', will have a thrilling fun for viewers this winter through a new Character he has never seen before.