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After Kwang-hee met Yoo Jae-Suk, he revealed his frugality. Siwan and Gwang-hee appeared as guests on the contents of the channel on September 16th. When asked about the current situation, Kwang-hee said that he had replaced the tire wheel of the car for 10 years. Yoo Jae-Suk said that he would not use the money, and Kwang-hee said, Confessions before the ball was not a joke. Siwan said, "I was really influenced by you. I was originally relieved of stress by Luxury shopping and expressed myself with it." Kwanghee said, "I should have been an ambassador if I bought Luxury." Siwan explained that Infinite Challenge seemed to be the starting point, and since then, he has been living in a chaotic life and trying to get into himself, he was worried that he was getting too into himself. Infinite Challenge ⁇ Infinite Challenge ⁇ When I first showed up, many media focused on me, and Siwan laughed at me, saying, "Did not you listen to a lot of swearing at that time?" Siwan said that from that time on, he had a lot of self-reflection and improved. Yoo Jae-Suk said, "I feel sorry for Kwang-hee." The program was lost before Kwang-hee was discharged from the military. So Gwang-hee recalled that he could not call me and said to Se-ho, "What happened to you?"