The comedian kim chul-min next month is about a hundred years. The bride is a beautiful financial resource

kim chul-min, a comedian who appears on TVN Comedy Big League, will sign a hundred years in December.
kim chul-min's agency, Eldy Story, announced today that Kim will marry his lover at a wedding hall in Seoul Yeouido on December 11th.
Kim's bride-to-be is a non-entertainer who developed among friends, and the two will be given a wedding march after a year of devotion.
Kim's agency explained that the prospective bride has a warm and caring personality with beautiful resources.
The wedding ceremony is held at the beginning of the year, with the comedian Kang Jae-joon. The celebration is called by Comedy Big League Psychos. After the wedding, Kim and his wife will enjoy a honeymoon in Jeju Island.
Kim said, "Thank you to my girlfriend who kept me in a difficult time, I will live happily and beautifully. Thank you for celebrating."
Meanwhile, kim chul-min made his debut as MBC Komidi House in 2005. In 2006, he won the MBC Broadcasting Entertainment Award for Komidi. Currently, he is active in the TVN Comedy Big League.