In the SBS entertainment program All The Butlers, which aired on the 31st, a lawyer specializing in traffic accidents, Han Moon-cheol, appeared as master.
"I love driving, but I have had a lot of accidents," he said, laughing, saying, "I bought a car and scratched a lot of cars alone for a year or two."
"My father, Gim Gu-ra, sometimes asks me, 'Are you not in an accident?' Now there is a new family in the house, "he said. "So I thought I should learn to drive well, so I came out. I will learn hard."
On the other hand, Han Moon-cheol, a lawyer specializing in traffic accidents, said, "Every car seems to be suddenly running and children are likely to come out of parking. I think people are lying on the left turn, and everything is a minefield. It's a vocational disease. "
"I'm always careful, and when I cross Crosswalk, I cross when the car stops, and the best thing is that the other person goes first and follows three steps later." "Then what is the person who goes in front of you? I do not have a heart. I should tell them to stop the car."
Han Moon-chul, a lawyer, stressed that seat belts should be worn before starting. "There may be a sudden accident. There are quite a few accidents that are presumed to be sudden. "
"If the Crosswalk signal changes immediately after the change, The Departure is likely to cause an accident," said Han Moon-cheol. After the change, we have to look at the left and right and slowly Departure. " "If you do not see it because of the cars next to you, you have to let them go before me, so you do not have an accident," he added.
At this time, the cast who found a person getting out of a car in the middle of the road were surprised by the danger on the road. Kim Dong-Hyun swept away his surprised heart, saying, "You must check if the car comes back." Han Moon-chul said, "I can see that an accident is going to happen. There are a lot of times when I will be too. "
Photo: SBS broadcast screen