In the 46th kbs 2TV weekend Drama "OK Photon" broadcasted on the 4th, Lee Cheol-soo (Yoon Joo-sang) was shown finding Nachbum (Jung Seung-ho).
On this day, Lee Cheol-soo found Nachbum and wielded a shovel, and Nachbum said, "Now that I come, I met this guy and I caught the mischievous affair because of me."
Lee said, "Are you proud of that? You ran away as soon as the misfortune got mad. "I'll divorce you. I do not need anything, "he said.
Lee said, "As a man, I put down my pride and raised my child as my child. When I lose money, I threaten and take money. Now I'm going to take the money off my son-in-law. I did not even want to meet a madman in the first place. "
Nach said, "I'm going to die, but what do I do? I'm the one who let me see the world. It's my daughter of a madman," he said.
Lee Cheol-soo said, "It's my baby from the moment I was born 29 years ago." Nachbum consistently said, "You should know that you are going to pass on to the Kwang-tae Property." Lee said, "The law has changed. The law has changed because of you."
Photo = kbs Broadcasting Screen