On the SBS entertainment program All The Butlers, which was broadcast on the 5th, Lee Seung-gi, who welcomed the Seaok-Ho Jeon, who appeared as a daily student, was portrayed.
Actor Seak-Ho Jeon appeared to introduce Master "I am not a master," he said. "I have a relationship with the master and I applied for a daily disciple."
"I made my debut as Misaeng in 2014 while playing," Seok-Ho Jeon revealed, while Lee Seung-gi confessed that "I'm one of the Dramas of Life." So, Seak-Ho Jeon said, "I am myself." "Thanks to that work, I live and eat."
Meanwhile, All The Butlers' is a life tutoring entertainment program with youths full of question marks and myway geek masters. It airs every Sunday at 6:25 p.m.
Photo SBS broadcast screen capture