Drug Warning fell in the entertainment industry due to the successive Drug incident of stars such as Ha Jung-woo, Mamdouh Elsbiay, Jung Il-hoon and Amy.
On the second day, the first trial of the appeal of former member Jung Il-hoon of group BtoB was held. Jung Il-hoon was accused of smoking Hemp and others 161 times in total, and paid 133 million won in cryptocurrency. Jung Il-hoon, who left BtoB shortly after the incident was announced, was arrested in court for two years in prison and 133 million won in surcharge. In the first trial of the second trial, Jung Il-hoon insisted on the unfairness of sentence because there was a difference in the number of actual Drug purchases and the number of smoking.
Former member of the group icon Mamdouh Elsbiay was also charged with Drug charges last month. Mamdouh Elsbiay was charged with taking some of Hempcho and LSD from an acquaintance in April 2016. Prosecutors have been sentenced to three years in prison and a penalty of 1.5 million won. Maddouh Elsbiay The Judgment hearing is held on October 10.
Ha Jung-woo attended the first hearing held on October 10 due to illegal dosing of propofol. Ha Jung-woo is accused of conspiring with a Drug handler in 2019 to routinely administer propofol and conspire with Kim Mo, the director of plastic surgery, to hand over personal information of others. Even though it was the first trial, Ha Jung-woo acknowledged all of his charges, agreed with the evidence, and the defense was immediately terminated. The prosecution asked for a fine of 10 million won and ordered a fine of 88,749 won. The Judgment hearing was held on the 16th at Linda Ronstadt.
Amy, a broadcaster who had been forced to leave the country due to habitual medications such as propofol and zolpidem, was arrested on suspicion of methamphetamine. He was caught again on suspicion of Drug after seven months of deportation, which expired five years and entered the country in January of this year. If the charges of methamphetamine are proven, he will be forced to leave the country again with three criminals. There is a growing concern about the entertainment industry Drug scandal that bursts with its tail.