Overseas fans are waiting for Jung Il-hoon, a group BtoB, who is in prison for inhaling Hemp seconds several times.
The Seoul High Court (13th Criminal Division) held its second Trial date at 11:20 a.m. on the 7th, advocating the violation of the law on the management of eight Drugs, including Jung Il-hoon, and the violation of the law on the management of Drugs.
On this day, Jung Il-hoon was in court with a total of seven people, including three Innocent Defendant who were arrested and four Innocent Defendant who were handed over to Trial in a state of detention. Jung Il-hoon, who was sentenced to two years in prison at the first Trial The Judgment, was seen wearing a veterinarian and mask.
Trial's main content was a change in the indictment for the Hemp smoking part. Prosecution said, "We change the fact that some of the crime tickets such as Jung Il-hoon have been fraudulent or paid additional fees for receivables to delete." The lawyers agreed.
The unusual thing was the additional side of the lawyer. At the end of the Trial, he asked for consideration for the sentence, saying, "There are many petitions from overseas fans about Jung Il-hoon." It is in contrast to domestic fans. Although some fans have expressed support, Jung Il-hoon's alleged Hemp has revealed inconveniences such as issuing an "exit statement" centered on the online community BtoB fan association since it was revealed.
Jung Il-hoon is also continuing its efforts to reduce sentences. After the case was passed to the Seoul High Court on June 28, 58 times from this month to this month, the Letter of apology is being submitted. The Letter of apology after the first Trial, which was arrested The Judgment, amounted to 20 cases.
Decision Trial will be held on November 4th, and the observation that the second Trial will be held within the year is dominant, and the Appeal and Letter of apology will affect the sentencing.
Jung Il-hoon was charged with conspiring with eight other Innocent Defendant from July 2016 to January 2019, sending 130 million won over 161 times and buying and inhaling 826 grams of Hemp.
In the first Trial The Judgment Trial held in June, the court said, "Jung Il-hoon confessed all the charges and all are convicted. As the level of habituality is recognized, it is inevitable to punish correspondingly. "Jung Il-hoon was sentenced to two years in prison and was arrested. The court also imposed a fine of 130 million won, which led to an Appeal by Innocent Defendant, including Jung Il-hoon, for the wrongful sentence.