"I'm a white man, call me brother...'presentative candidate' Yoon Seok-ryul, unexpected charm (All The Butlers)

sbs entertainment program All The Butlers', which was broadcast on the 19th, was featured as a special feature of 'presidental candidate big 3' and former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-ryul appeared as master.
On this day, Yoon Seok-ryul appealed to the members of All The Butlers' to visit "I invited you to do something delicious" from the beginning. Yoon Seok-ryul made all the dishes from beginning to end, including kimchi stew, bulgogi and egg rolls. In the appearance of Yoon Seok-ryul, who is sincere about eating, the members say, "I think you forgot it was broadcast. I thought it was a 'Yoon Restaurant'."
In particular, Yoon Seok-ryul showed a neighborhood-like familiarity from walking to speaking. Yoon Seok-ryul directed Lee Seung-gi, who calls himself "the chief prosecutor," "What about the president? I'm a white man. It's been a long time since I quit my prosecutor's account. Call Seok-yeol my brother, "he said, and surprised everyone.
Yoon Seok-ryul also talked with members while watching his past photos, during which photos of his fourth year at college were released. Lee Seung-gi doubted the eyes, "Is it really the fourth grade of college?" And here, Yang Se-hyung gave a big smile by blowing a stone fastball saying, "Are you not 45 years old?"
Yoo Soo-bin looked closely at the figure of Yoon Seok-ryul and said, "It seems to be similar to Joa Hyon." Yoon Seok-ryul, who heard it, automatically digested the vocalization of Joo Hyun as if he had waited.
The All The Butlers hearing was also held in a friendly atmosphere. Yoon Seok-ryul expressed his determination to attend the All The Butlers hearing, saying he would not lie.
Yoon Seok-ryul was asked about public concerns about his lack of political experience, and he said, "It is not a style that gives up or backs down easily in crisis without much talent. I like alcohol and people, but I’ve never had a comfortable life with my belt on my job. I am confident that I will succeed in anything. "
"I was worried for a long time because the presidential election was not a normal job," said Yoon Seok-ryul, who decided to run for the presidency. In my generation, I think I could have bought part of my job for 10 years, but now it is too hard, so I do not want to marry or give birth. I have to change this. I am not afraid when I do something new. I have a lot of things to do, but I do not want to do it.
And Yoon Seok-ryul said, "I want to say sorry to our young people as an older generation in our country, and I am sorry that I can not have hope for the future of the country. I still want to say not to lose courage, courage is important. "
Photo: sbs broadcast screen